Camera Ambassador hosts our very our Crew Rolodex featuring a diverse line-up of talented filmmakers varying from DPs, ACs, Producers, Photographers, Production Designers, Gaffers, and more!
Shoot us an email letting us know what roles you're looking to hire, or alternatively if you'd like to be added to our Rolodex.

Founded by two Chicago filmmakers, Ramone Hulet and Kyra Jones, Black in Film is a database of Black filmmakers of all trades from across the United States. The free site was born out of the belief that Black representation behind the camera is just as important as it is on screen. Frustrated with hearing lazy excuses from producers about the lack of diversity on film sets, Kyra and Ramone created Black in Film to debunk the myth that Black crew members are few and far between. Black filmmakers and screenwriters can self-submit their information and producers looking to hire for their crews can access the database. Within 24 hours of launching the site, Black in Film received over 200 submissions and 700+ followers on social media, speaking to the long overdue need for such a resource.

Reach out to hello@mezclamediacollective.org to share your job posting and find crew. Our mission is to provide resources to ensure that women and non-binary filmmakers of color realize their full potential as storytellers and agents of change at a local level. Mezcla currently has three tiers of resources offered: hyper-local, knowledge transfer, and career advancement. By creating a local hub in Chicago, women of color can be provided with resources to enhance their craft by way of creating access to a network, workshops, and a centralized local community without having to look to coastal cities such as Los Angeles or New York City. Mezcla also seeks to level the playing field, ensuring that women and non-binary filmmakers of color are able to participate in their city’s bustling media production scene.