The Community Builders Grant is a short-form film fund and production resources grant sponsored by Camera Ambassador. Our mission is to help build bridges between filmmakers and the community while elevating their production by arming them with the necessary tools to create. This grant supports artists with varying levels of experience, both to recognize accomplished individuals, as well as to provide opportunities for young and emerging artists. The 2022 grant is made possible by our wonderful sponsors: Yakkety Yak, On Set Headsets, Motion Source, & Chicago Film Office.
How To Vote
Thank you for wanting to support the Chicago filmmaking community! To vote for this year's recipent please follow the the proceeding steps...
1. After watching/attending the pitch event in its entirety (available below), in the next 48-hours, vote on our Google Form* (embedded below!).
2. Acknowledge that: We'd like to encourage the audience to vote for which project you truly believe should win the grant. While we, unfortunately, can't account for best intentions, we hope to try our best to actively encourage you to vote based on the perceived strengths and merits of each project.
3. Fill out the Google form in its entirety to vote for the 2022 Community Builders Grant Winner
*Only 1-vote per email
2022 voting has closed! Stay tuned for our announcement Wednesday, June 1st.
In the meantime, watch this year's pitches below:

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